Sunday, January 17, 2010

Welcome - January 16, 2010 Update...

Welcome everyone to my newest BLOG featuring Aerial Photo Updates of Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom during the 2009/2010 off-season. Let's get to the first update of 2010.

It looks as if coaster track parts, or so I assume, are lying in the main parking lot. I'm not sure if it is indeed coaster parts or for another ride/attraction, and I don't know where they are going to end up in the park. Laser's old spot is completely cleared, so perhaps that is where these parts will be assembled.

Anyway, here are three photos that I shot, and sorry for the slightly blurred photos in 2 & 3....It was a bit bouncy up there this past weekend, and by the end of the day, my self-compensation efforts were dwindling...Enjoy !!!

Stay tuned for More Updates in the near future !!!